Attachment and Trauma

Attachment and Trauma Lead Practitioner: Mrs Maguire         Contact: [email protected] 

Attachment and Trauma Link Governor: Mrs Letitia Wilkins 

Have a look at the padlet below for information relating to how we support children with needs related to Attachment and Trauma at All Saints Catholic Primary School. Scroll down each column to explore information relating to the meaning of Attachment and Trauma, how we support children in school with Trauma Informed Practice as well as support and advice for parents. If you have any queries, please do not hestiate to contact me on the above email address.

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“Each one
of you is a
child of God”
Pope Francis

All Saints Catholic Primary School

Chesnut Grove,
Bootle, Merseyside,
L20 4LX

All Saints Catholic Primary School

A Catholic learning community
that aspires to excel, celebrates
achievement and values the
uniqueness of everyone.