Year 5 2024 - 2025

Daily Routine:

Doors open at 8:30 am and basic skills learning tasks begin straight away

Doors close promptly at 8:45 - If your child arrives after that time, please go through the school's main entrance and sign your child in. If children are late on a Tuesday and their class has already left for swimming, they will unfortunately miss their session.

Break is at 10:30.

Lunch is at 12:40.

Children are dismissed at 3pm. Please ensure to provide your child’s teacher with written permission if you would like your child to walk home alone.

This term 5S will have P.E. is on a Tuesday morning with Mr Tyson while 5A will attend swimming lessons at Bootle Baths with Mr Kaitell and Miss Jopson. Next term, this will swap so that 5A have PE while 5S have swimming lessons. Both classes should have their full PE kit in school every day just in case any additional PE slots become available.


What will we learn about in the Autumn Term?


  • Place value to one million (including rounding, comparing and ordering numbers)
  • Addition and Subtraction (4+ digit addition and subtraction, word problems)
  • Multiplication and Division (multiples, factors, primes, square and cube numbers)
  • Fractions (comparing, ordering, converting improper to mixed and mixed to improper)


  • During Autumn term, year 5 will be reading Anisha: accidental detective by Serena Patel and The Explorer by Katherine Rundell for our class novels.
  • Spelling, punctuation and grammar
  • Narrative writing based on Gorilla by Anthony Browne
  • Discussion text
  • Narrative writing based on The Great Kapok Tree
  • Non-chronological report about Rainforests
  • Persuasive speech about the environment
  • Analysing Christmas adverts


  • Singing in parts and harmonies


  • Self-portraits in the style of Gustav Klimt
  • Watercolour animal sketch


  • Food technology (creating healthy snacks using only Fairtrade products)


  • Map skills
  • Rainforests


Living in the wider world:

  • How and why do we make/change rules?
  • Ethical spending (Fairtrade)
  • Sustainable spending


  • Swimming (5A)
  • Ball handling skills - Handball


  • Greetings
  • Colours and numbers
  • Animals
  • Days and months

Religious Education

  • Family: Ourselves
  • Belonging: Life choices
  • Loving: Hope
  • Judaism week


  • E-safety
  • Computing systems and searching
  • Video production

What are the homework expectations in Year 5?

  1. Times Tables Rock Stars practice – at least 30 minutes per week (ideally 10 minutes-per day to build speed and fluency). Children have a 3-minuteTTRockstars test each day (60 questions) and times tables are used in most maths lesson, so accessing this at home will be extremely beneficial to them.
  2. Spelling and grammar assignments on Spelling Shed (30 minutes per week).
  3. Reading each night with a parent/carer. Please note a parental signature is required in reading records. Children will read at breaktime as per school policy if they are not reading at home.
  4. Homework will be given on a Thursday to be returned on a Monday. Children will usually receive one piece of maths work and one piece of English work based on what we have been doing in class that week. Children have each been provided with a homework folder to ensure that their work stays neat and tidy when being transported to and from school. Children will receive extra Dojo points if they return their work early (on Friday). If children misplace homework, they should let their teacher know as soon as possible so it can be replaced. If their homework folder is lost, they will be given a plastic wallet as a replacement. If children do not return their homework on time, they are given a warning and reminder and will miss Monday break time. If it is still not returned on Tuesday, they will complete all missing homework at break/lunch time.

Attendance and Punctuality:

Please ensure that your child is in school on time. We carry out important interventions and practise many basic skills needed to access the learning every morning. Children who are late miss out on these important skills which affects their progress. Being in school every day and on time gives them the very best chance of success.

If children are in everyday for a week, they are entered into a class raffle were they can choose which prize they would like.


attendance image.png

Year 5: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

“Each one
of you is a
child of God”
Pope Francis

All Saints Catholic Primary School

Chesnut Grove,
Bootle, Merseyside,
L20 4LX

All Saints Catholic Primary School

A Catholic learning community
that aspires to excel, celebrates
achievement and values the
uniqueness of everyone.