Mellors Catering Services - School Meals & Breakfast Club
Mellors Catering Services provides breakfast and lunch to the children at All Saints. Our school chef and his catering team understand the importance of nourishing young minds with wholesome and delicious meals. They take pride in serving flavourful food choices that are sure to delight!
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club is open every day from 8am, to all children from Nursery to Year 6. We offer a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities alongside a healthy breakfast.
The cost for each session is £2.50 per day and £2 for those attending on the same day as a sibling.
If you would like to register your child for a place, please contact Miss Daly in the school office on the telephone number or email at the bottom of this page.
All Breakfast Club places must be paid in advance. Failure to pay in advance will result in the withdrawal of your child’s place at the Breakfast Club.
School Meals
For all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 School Meals are free of charge as part of a government-funded school meals initiative.
If your child does not currently have a meal, please take a look at the menus below and contact the office to book meals with the kitchen. We can accommodate all pupils with allergies or food intolerances.
We recommend that all children take up this offer as each parent will save around £500 per child, each year in school meal or packed lunch costs.
School meals also encourage children to try new foods, eat a healthy balanced diet and teach how to socialise appropriately at meal times with other pupils e.g. improved use of cutlery.
For children in the Nursery and Year 3 to Year 6, the cost of a school meal is £2.53 per day (£12.65 per week). All meals must be paid at least 1 week in advance.
If you receive income-related benefits and think you may be entitled to free school meals, please email Mrs Walker who will process your application. [email protected]
Due to new laws around allergies and to ensure our food orders are correct, we must ask that parents who wish to change their child from school meals to packed lunches, inform the office in writing and only change after the nearest half-term break to give our kitchen adequate notice.