Year 4 2024 - 2025
Daily Routine:
Doors open at 8:30 am and basic skills learning tasks begin straight away
Doors close promptly at 8:45 - If your child arrives after that time, please go through the school's main entrance and sign your child in.
Break is at 10:30.
Lunch is at 12:40.
Children are dismissed at 3pm.
This term P.E. is on a Monday with Mr. Kaitell.
What do we study in Year 4 ?
Throughout the whole of Year 4, we aim to become Times Tables Rockstars as we focus on times tables fluency facts, culminating in the National Multiplication Times Tables Check (MTC) in June.
What will we learn about in the Autumn Term?
- Ukulele lessons with Sefton Music Service
- Body Percussion with Ms Neville-Evans
- Adding shade and tone to self-portraits
- Self-portraits in the style of Romero Britto
- Collage inspired by Egyptian art
- An overview of Ancient Civilisations
- The greatest achievements of Ancient Egypt
- Living in the wider world
- The rights of the child
- Sustainability
- Managing money
- Ball handling skills - Handball
- Place value to ten thousand including rounding
- Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication and Division with a focus on rapid recall of times tables facts
- Measurement including time and area
- Exploring narratives and enhancing our writing with descriptive vocabulary
- Poetry based on nature
- Greetings
- Colours and numbers
- Animals
- Christmas Carols
Religious Education
- Family
- Belonging
- Loving
- Word processing skills
- Making presentations
- E-safety
- Food technology
What are the homework expectations in Year 4?
- Times Tables Rock Stars practice – at least 30 minutes per week (ideally 10 minutes per day to build speed and fluency)
- Spelling and grammar assignments on Spelling Shed (30 minutes per week)
- Reading each night with a parent/ carer. Please note a parental signature is required in reading records. Children will read at breaktime as per school policy if they are not reading at home
Attendance and Punctuality:
Please ensure that your child is in school on time. We practise many basic skills needed to access the learning every morning. Children who are late miss out on these important skills which affects their progress. Being in school every day and on time gives them the very best chance of success.